Monday, February 21, 2011

Advanced Guitar Lesson

Today, especially in my preferred genre of music, people don't expect to see such skilled guitarists as Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, or Randy Rhodes. Now, don't get me wrong, the styles in music and writing technique are all different, but that should be expected for the current generation of music as it is expected of future generations. The following two videos are quick guitar lessons that prove, today, skilled guitarists are out there.

Both of these guitarist, from the band 'The Word Alive,' display their talent, not just through "speed" as many like to argue against this genre, but technique. Their sweeping technique takes time to master. These videos have inspired me to learn more scales and to master sweep picking. And, while I don't have their accuracy and speed down, I have been working the scales used and I don't believe it'll be long before I have it down. Wish me luck.


  1. It took me about three months of constant work to master sweep picking. perhaps I shouldn't say master, cause I still mess it up sometimes. It's tough, but very useful.

  2. Good luck! be sure to practice a lit, some of that seems really difficult.

  3. great tutorial, thanks
    he's pretty damn talented too

  4. "Today, especially in my preferred genre of music, people don't expect to see such skilled guitarists as Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, or Randy Rhodes."

    i think the mainly problem with this is that people whant to play guitar because it makes them look cool, or just to be in a band and make money, a few people only play because they love nofx said "music created for devotion, not ambition, not for fame"

  5. this is very true, thank you for your input :)
